The Mentone Flying Club was incorporated on May 13, 1957 and has operated successfully for a period of over 52 years. The MFC was founded to provide for its members a convenient and economical means of private flying. We are a not-for-profit, incorporated organization that functions under a set of by-laws established by its members.


Upon joining the flying club, each new member becomes a stockholder in the corporation and its assets. The present fee for a membership certificate is $295.00, which can be sold by the owner upon leaving the club. Each club member pays dues of $20.00 per month. Included in your dues are liability insurance fees.


The Mentone Flying Club presently owns two enclosed hangars and four aircraft: 2 Cessna 172 Skyhawk's, a Cessna 182 Skylane, and a Piper Cherokee 180. The Corporation strives to keep these aircraft in good flying condition. The present wet rates for aircraft usage are $72.00 per hour for the 172's, $80.00 per hour for the 180 and $100.00 per hour for the 182. Flight Instructors currently charge $25.00 per hour.


Any person wishing to become a member of the club must first submit an application for membership. The application forms may be obtained by clicking on the “JOIN” above, writing to the club address or by contacting one of the club officers. Your initial membership fee is $20.00. This makes you a social member for one year even if your full membership is denied, or is pending until an owner-member sells his/her membership.


Upon receipt of an application and $20.00, the corporation will consider it for approval at the upcoming monthly meeting (every 3rd Friday at 7 p.m.). The applicant is strongly urged to attend this meeting. The applicant then begins a 30-day probation period which ends the following meeting. During this probation period the applicant is requested to help with the care and maintenance of our hangar and our aircraft, and to attend any club activity. After the 30-day probation the applicant’s membership will be finalized. If the application receives a vote of approval the full membership fee becomes due immediately. Upon payment the applicant becomes an owner-member and receives his/her certificate of membership.


A membership certificate entitles the holder: to fly the corporation’s aircraft and allows him/her privilege of voting and holding an office in the corporation.


Each new member is issued a by-laws Booklet. He/she is expected to study these laws and abide by them. This booklet also contains the club’s operating rules, financial responsibility, and other obligations.


Current Radar

Click for larger image.


Picture of the Month

Bill takes his wife on a long trip after getting his license!
-- Tom Flynn


Up Coming Events

January 20 th - Annual MFC Banquet Rochester Meat and Deli 6:30 p.m.


MFC Forms

Mentone Flying Club Application


Credit Check Form


Parent / Guardian Financial Responsibility Agreement


Mentone Flying Club NEW MEMBER orientation Flight Form


Mentone Flying Club IFR GPS Checkout


IFR VOR Check Log Sheet


High Performance Checkout Packet


Mentone Flying Club Letterhead




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